Code of Conduct


2/154-160 Prospect Road, Prospect SA 5082

Effective Date: 1st January 2023


At All Things Therapy, we are dedicated to providing exceptional
care and support to all our clients, including both adults and children. We are
committed to upholding the highest ethical standards and ensuring the safety
and well-being of children, in compliance with the South Australian Children
and Young People (Safety) Act 2017 and the National Principles for Child Safe
Organisations. This Code of Conduct outlines the principles, guidelines, and a
list of behavioural do's and don'ts that all employees, volunteers and staff
must adhere to when interacting with children and young people.

Our code of conduct must be agreed and signed by all employees,
contractors and volunteers before employment/work can commence.


Behavioural Do's:

  • Prioritise Safety and Well-being: Always prioritise the safety, well-being, and best interests of children and young people in all interactions and decision-making.

  • Treat with Respect: Show respect, kindness, and patience when interacting with children and young people, valuing their opinions and ensuring their voices are heard.

  • Establish Boundaries: Maintain appropriate professional boundaries with children and young people, avoiding any behaviour that may be misconstrued or considered inappropriate.

  • Informed Consent: Obtain informed consent from parents or legal guardians before providing any services or treatments to children and young people.

  • Listen Actively: Actively listen to the concerns and needs of children and young people, acknowledging their feelings and experiences.

  • Reporting: Being alert to children and young people who have been harmed, or may be at risk of harm and reporting this quickly to the Child Harm Report Line (13 14 78)

  • Empowerment: Encourage and support children and young people to express themselves and participate in decisions affecting their care and treatment.

  • Privacy and Confidentiality: Respect the privacy and confidentiality of children and young people, refraining from sharing personal information without appropriate consent or legal requirements.

  • Cultural Sensitivity: Demonstrate cultural sensitivity and awareness, embracing diversity and promoting inclusivity in all aspects of care.

  • Professional Development: Continuously enhance knowledge and skills in working with children and young people to provide the best quality care.

  • Appropriate Touch: Use touch in a professional and therapeutic manner, seeking consent and explaining any necessary physical contact to children, young people, and their parents or guardians.



Behavioural Don'ts:

  • No Unauthorised Physical Contact: Do not engage in any form of unauthorised physical contact with children and young people, including hugs or any form of touching that may be perceived as invasive.

  • No Verbal or Physical Harm: Do not engage in any form of verbal or physical harm towards children and young people under any circumstances.

  • No Invasive Questions: Avoid asking intrusive or unnecessary personal questions that are not directly related to their care or treatment.

  • No Favouritism: Treat all children and young people with fairness and equity, avoiding any favouritism or preferential treatment.

  • No Discrimination or Bullying: Do not discriminate against or bully any child or young person based on their background, abilities, appearance, or any other characteristic.

  • No Sharing Personal Information: Do not share personal information about children and young people with unauthorised individuals or on social media platforms.

  • No Neglect of Supervision: Do not neglect or compromise the supervision and safety of children and young people during their time at our facility or under our care.

  • No Inappropriate Language or Behaviour: Refrain from using inappropriate language, humour, or behaviour that may be offensive or harmful to children and young people.

  • No Dual Relationships: Avoid engaging in dual relationships with children and young people that may pose conflicts of interest or compromise their care.

  • No Retaliation: Do not retaliate against anyone who reports concerns about potential breaches of child safety or protection.


 By adhering to this Code of Conduct, we create a safe, respectful,
and supportive environment for all our clients, both adults and children. Our
commitment to child safety, as outlined in the South Australian Children and
Young People (Safety) Act 2017 and the National Principles for Child Safe
Organisations, reinforces our dedication to providing ethical and responsible
care to all those we serve.

If the Code of Conduct is breached, it is crucial to handle the situation promptly and appropriately to ensure the safety and well-being of our
clients. If any individual, whether an outsider, concerned community member, or
client, becomes aware of a breach of the Code, particularly related to child
safety, we strongly encourage them to report it immediately.

Reports can be made through our various channels, including contacting All Things
Therapy directly via the below channels:

  • Phone: 0418 916 077
  • Email:
  • Website:

individuals can also reach out to Australian Health Practitioner
Regulation Agency (AHPRA) on 1300 419 495 or Health and Community Services
Complaints Commissioner on (08) 8226 8666 to report the
breach independently. We assure all reporters that their concerns will be
treated with the utmost confidentiality, and there will be no retaliation or
victimisation for making a genuine report.

 We are dedicated to creating a safe environment for everyone, and
any information provided will be thoroughly investigated, and appropriate
actions will be taken to address the breach.

Regular reviews and updates to the Code of Conduct will be
conducted to continuously improve our practices and maintain the highest
standards of care and professionalism in our organisation.